Faculty Positions in Sustainable Energy at GIFT, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


Global Institute of Future Technology (GIFT hereafter) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University is one of the first 12 Institutes of Future Technology established by the Ministry of Education of China. Founded on August 19, 2021, GIFT is committed to building an internationally influential faculty, creating a cutting-edge interdisciplinary teaching and research platform, and cultivating innovative scientific and technological leaders who can address global challenges and contribute to future development.

GIFT manages endowment funds from a variety of sources, including a recent donation of more than 200 million US dollars. GIFT's new building will be completed within two years, adding 50,000 square meters to the current 25,000 square meters. With strong government and university support, we will rapidly expand our faculty, including high-level hiring (e.g. NAE/NAS members and Fellows of multiple professional societies). GIFT invites applications for tenure-track or tenured professoriate and research scientist positions, mainly at Associate and Full levels, related to Sustainable Energy. Currently, five research centers have been established.

Center  for Large-scale Energy Storage and Reliability

This center is dedicated to developing cutting-edge technologies to support large-scale energy storage systems, such as for grid applications. The research on their reliability is of great importance, including failure mechanisms, advanced reliability theory and testing methodologies, evaluation and diagnosis methods, smart sensing and service life estimation, hazard prognostics, and emergency action strategies, etc.  

 Future Battery Research  Center

Focusing on fundamental science, the center works closely with world-leading industrial partners to develop next-generation solid-state batteries with high energy density and safety that can eliminate the range anxiety of electric vehicles and power future all-electric aircrafts. This center aims to innovate methodologies and theoretical mechanisms, and create key battery materials, etc.

Center for Advanced and Sustainable Power Systems  

This center is committed to research and develop enabling technologies for advanced and sustainable power systems. The major thrusts are: i) smart networked micro-grids, ii) intelligent real-time monitoring and management of distributed energy resources and the related cyber-physical systems; iii) AI, 5G/6G, smart inverters, IoT, big data analytics for power systems applications.

Center for Green Energy and Modern Agriculture  

The center aims to develop advanced green technologies to support rural revitalization and carbon neutrality in China and around the world. Our current research focuses include renewable energy generation, low-cost and high-reliability energy storage, smart agriculture and agricultural big data, smart sensing and Internet of Things, low-carbon design and management, and carbon-emission assessment, etc.

Center for Perovskite Photovoltaics Research  

This center seeks to advance perovskite solar cells as a viable and sustainable technology for commercialization by overcoming barriers of higher efficiency, longer stability and scaling up. These studies focus on fundamental understanding of stability and durability of perovskite solar cells, advanced techniques for improving the efficiency of single junction and tandem solar cells, technical tools and processing equipment for practical production, sustainable recycling solutions for perovskite solar cells.

GIFT operates a tenure system for faculty evaluation and promotion. A comprehensive start-up package will be provided, including adequate office and laboratory space, as well as moving expenses. Salary is highly competitive and will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants must hold a doctorate degree in a relevant field. Candidates are expected to establish a vigorous research program and contribute to undergraduate and graduate education. For full consideration, please send the following documents to the GIFT Search Committee (email: gift-facultysearch@sjtu.edu.cn) in a single PDF file:

•  A complete curriculum vitae

•  Teaching plan and research plan

•  Copies of three representative publications

•  Contact information of five referees
